ISBN Barcode Generator

Note:   The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique 13-digit number (formly 10 digits) identifier for a book and other book-like products (like an audiobook) that specifies the books publisher, format, and edition. A barcode is a graphical representation of your printed book's ISBN and it can include the price.  
  • Benefit 1: Links to essential information about your book.
  • Benefit 2: Ensures your book's information to be stored in the Books in Print database.
  • Benefit 3: Most retailers require ISBNs

Barcode Example

The roBot Book Writing Method
ISBN Barcode Generator


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How Many ISBNs Does A 
Book Project Require?

An ISBN is required for each edition and format of your book. Remember the ISBN identifies the publisher, the specific book title, edition and format (audio, hardback, paperback, ePub, PDF…).  Ever variation of a book would require the use of a unique ISBN to identify it properly. This allows retailers to help the customer understand exactly which version of a title they are purchasing. 

Things to consider:
* How many formats will you be creating for your title now?
* Do you plan to publish future revised editions of the title?
* Do you plan to create future formats?

* You can purchase ISBNs in advance of use. 
* You can register your titles any time after they are obtained. 
* ISBNs never expire.


To obtain an ISBN for your book and book projects follow these simple steps:
  • Step 1: Create an account with Bowker at
  • Step 2: Choose an ISBN package and pay. (Be forward thinking... the best value for you may be an ISBN multi-package.)
  • Step 3: Register your first ISBN.
Note: The above process works for the US.  If you are outside of the US you will need to search for your country's ISBN point of contact. Also, there are companies that will provide you with free ISBNs, like Amazon (KDP). Do your due diligence before your connect your book project with any company. 

Meet Coach Tina FJ... Founder of 
The roBot Book Writing Method

From a young age, Tina was labeled unqualified as she struggled to spell, read, and write. Fast forward a few years… Tina became a NASA engineer, five-time author, and world-changer!

Now, Coach Tina FJ is a certified coach credentialed (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation. Since 2003, Tina has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, and businesses to acquire customers, build authority and create an asset through authorship.

Check out The roBot Book Writing Method that provides everything you require to become a self published author fast.  Tina pulled back the curtain to show you the secrets that are only known by the masters! If you have something something valuable to say you can become an author and reap all the benefits that the title author provides, by following the three step framework. 

Looking for support on your author journey? Apply for a Free strategy session with Coach Tina FJ. Use the calendar link below:
Important: DO NOT schedule a call with us unless you are 100% committed to showing up to the call, please.
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